Friday, 28 September 2007

Student Leader Briefing (By Zhiyang)

From 25th to 27th September 2007, we presented environmentally-friendly guidelines to all Student Leaders of NTU. The purpose of this is to spread environmental awareness to the student population through the influence of the student leaders. The guidelines highlight green practices that are practicable for application by the Committees of all Clubs, Societies and Halls. Basically, the guidelines cover eco-friendly practices for common activities like meetings, events, camps and publicity. We have also proposed the idea of appointing a Green Ambassador for each main committee so as to better facilitate the incorporation of green practices in each club’s activities.
Thus far, we would not have achieved so much without the support of the NTU Administration. Particularly in this academic year (07/08), the NTU Administration has become more proactive in pursuing environmental initiatives. As a result, Earthlink is able to install recycling bins in all Halls and “green publicity” can been done on a larger scale. We look forward to further collaboration with the Administration and other student organizations of NTU to create a Green Culture on campus.


Anonymous said...

My friend is CEE publicity,
she is trying not to print paper stuffs unless necessary

Hannah said...

who's your friend? issit Ma Yin from CEE club?

Anonymous said...

Ma Yin is Logistic----Mengli
